June 29, 2020
Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras
The Army (Air Force, Marines, and Navy, too, no doubt) is obsessed with safety. I suppose that’s probably not the worst thing to be obsessed with, but sometimes it can take on a comic aspect.
In both the “termite shacks” and the “beach huts”, there are small doors at the floor level near the rear of the room. In case of fire, should you be unable to make it 12 feet to the main door, your could presumably crawl out what are affectionately known as “hobbit doors.”

And in my hooch, should you not know the direction of that main door, a mere few feet away, a lighted exit sign would point the way.

The Army has safety signs everywhere. Sometimes one wonders if the placement of these is random, or intentionally comic. As with this sign over a urinal at the clinic.

And, naturally, there are signs everywhere warning of the deadly feline menace, kept at bay only by diligent and steadfast avoidance of the numerous vicious furry critters scattered around post.