Author Archives: plm

Puerto Agua Verde

January 14, 2024
Agua Verde, BCS, Mexico

While eating out with friends in Loreto, Mark mentioned that he and his wife were headed to the remote beach at Puerto Ague Verde.  This would involve 20-25 miles of rough dirt road, but they were going for it, intending to air down their tires for a smoother drive.  All three of our rigs have compressors, so airing back up is no issue.  Plus, while their wive’s rolled their eyes, all three of us guys agreed that it would make us feel quite manly to later say “The road was rough, but I aired down and handled it easily.”  So I decided to go for it.

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Rancho Santa Domingo

January 12, 2024
San Javier, BCS, Mexico

About an hour drive up into the mountains west of Loreto is the pretty little mission town of San Javier.  In addition, I had scoped out another nearby locations that looked interesting called Rancho Santo Domingo that would allow you to stay and also offered to take you to a couple of cool nearby sites.  So that was my first stop.

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San Felipe to San Ignacio

December 25, 2023
San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico

The road south from San Felipe (Mex 1) leads past a number of good size “resorts” that seem to have been started, but never completed.  Far enough out of town to be on cheaper land, I suppose, but also not very convenient to getting into town with a car.

Farther south the road is about a mile west of the coast and you can see many stretches of a single row of homes along the beach, but no infrastructure like markets, restaurants, or gas stations.

Just North of Gonzaga Bay

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