July 27th, 2020
Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras
I have developed something of a reputation when I am on call every several weeks. The call hours are 1700 to 0630 the next morning, and all weekend. Usually it’s just little stuff like nausea and vomiting, but sometimes more serious stuff comes in. The first week I took call I evacuated three to the hospital, one by air.
So the medics and the nurses have various names for me: Dr. Death, The Cloud of Darkness, the Harbinger of Doom, etc.
So I’m pleased to say that I have now completed a week in which no one was evacuated by air. Which is more than I can say than last time I took call, when there was a case that ended this way.

At least that was the end of it for me. The patient went to surgery and was hospitalized for several days. She’s back here now, fully recovered.