Author Archives: plm

Of Cheese, Cows, and Worms

October 4th, 2015
Watertown, NY

After a hike in the Tug Hill State Forest yesterday, I drove to Lowville to visit the Lowville Producers Dairy Cooperative cheese store and to witness, with my own eyes, LeWinDa, New York’s largest cow.  I tell ya, there is never a dull moment here in the North Country!


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August 31tst, 2015
Fort Drum, NY

For the most part we have civilian Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) at our clinic who room patients, do vitals, and get the history of why they want to be seen.  We also have a handful of medics who do the same.  The two best medics are known as “M&M” since their last names both begin with M.  They were both working with me on Saturday for a special clinic to knock out school physicals, as it is that time of year.

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Maiden Voyage

August 16th, 2015
South Sandy Creek, Lakeview Wildlife Management Area
Ellisburg, NY

Saturday I went out on the maiden voyage of the USS Kayak With No Name (KWNN).  I had been told there was a place  just thirty minutes south of Watertown called South Sandy Creek where you put in at a bridge and could easily paddle down to Lake Ontario and back, as there would be almost no current this time of year.  I arrived about 9:45 and the only other people there were some folks fishing.

The Put In

The Put In

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Fort Drum

August 1st, 2015
Fort Drum, NY

My departure from Fort Bragg was slightly delayed due to complications on the urinalysis.  Eager to get going on the road, I stepped up first and proffered that I was ready to perform the required function.  The monitor escorted me to the men’s room where I…failed to provide an adequate sample.  I misfired.  That’s never happened before.


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