Quarantine Day Six: Pimpin’ Out Our Crib

April 30, 2020
FOB Westbrook, NM

The staff here is really quite responsive to our complaints/concerns.  Truly, every issue we’ve brought up has been addressed promptly.

We had but one picnic table for eighteen people, so asked for another.  It was here within a few hours.

There was no shade outside of our buildings, so we asked for shade.  The next day they delivered camo netting.  Everyone pitched in, including some acts that may have made a safety officer cringe had there been one present, and soon we had a shady area in which to sit eat, and commiserate on our sorrowful state.

I made it known that if someone came up with a BBQ and a cooler, I would find some way to stock it with beer (alcohol being off-limits.)  I think that got the attention of several junior enlisted.

There is serious consideration being given to red and white checkered tableclothes.