Author Archives: plm

Seborga Day 5: Cannes, Nice, and Monaco (Again)

October 6th, 2016
Cannes, Nice, and Monaco

This day we broke with our relaxed, zero-plans-ahead way of doing things and actually had a plan.  We got going early and headed to Cannes.  Then immediately found a place for coffee and baked goods.  We do seem to be in a but of a rut, but an exceptionally pleasant one.

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Coops and Chickens and Eggs

August 21st, 2016
Calcium, NY

Sometime around Christmas I started buying local, farm-fresh eggs.  They are wonderful.  This got me thinking seriously about having my own chickens.  So I started reading.  A friend loaned me a book.  I bought another book.  I read online.  A lot.  I decided I wanted to give it a try.

First Three Eggs From My Hens

First Three Eggs From My Hens

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